Daily Art Assignment

Daily Mood Board / Daily Collage / Daily Drawing
Create a daily collage using.  Pull together images you find interesting and that interconnect in any way. Piece together a montage of images. Experiment with images, text, style. These will be assembled in a Zine that will be printed and exhibited in our Fall and Spring Showcases. You may complete these boards outside of class and submit three at the beginning the week or the end of the week.

4th Edition – Zine

Zine Collages by Summer C. ’21


Collaborative Line Drawing – Qtr 3 2019

Each student was given a large 8 x24 in strip of paper with a black line pre-printed on it.  They were tasked with creating 10 sections of 10 different design elements seen in man-made forms, which related to their collaborative group projects during the 2018-19 school year.  When assembled together the title of our theme was spelled out in cursive, “Nature vs. Man-Made.”

3rd Edition – Zine

3rd Edition – Zine

2nd Edition – Zine

1st Edition – Daily Mood Boards

Mia DL / Cindy W / Lea M